Lovely Crabapple Trees

I walked to my friend’s place via a popular promenade that offers a view of a row of crabapple trees with their blossoms and a view of the river valley. My arrival was somewhat delayed as I stopped a few times to take photos of the blooms.

Victoria Promenade
A somewhat different view of the row of trees
Lucky me! They are at their peak!
I love the contrast between spring green and darker evergreens at this time of year. It is lush after 4 days of rain.
Mix of pink and white apple blossoms
Love the sight and smell walking these few blocks

Coming down Fast

Not so fast, thinking Spring is around the corner. Winter is making a temporary come-back with a forecast of a few cm of snow, and it is coming down fast.

What can I say, we need the moisture!

After a half hour, it is starting to accumulate
Someone is out there jogging
Wet snow is sticking to the window

I turned on the TV to see what was on, and the women’s soccer team just won against Australia.Exciting!

Having a Heatwave

I am speaking relatively, of course. From -40 up to -20 is a significant rise in temperature. I have friends who just got back from Africa, and those are the ones I feel sorry for. They are facing a 50 degree change.

I dressed for the weather, including cleats, and was quite comfortable.

I am smiling, can you tell?

Autumn Light

I am getting out for walks, for the exercise, as well as to capture photos. I have gone out at good times for the light and happy with the photos.

Light and shadows at nearby church yard.
I was across the street when I saw the sun on the sunflowers in this community garden.
Bright splash of red at a senior’s site.
Sun lighting up trees on south side of city.
The beautiful church yard with inviting benches, a wonderful place to stop and relax.
A tree in a community garden.
Sky reflected in the pond with fall foliage.

My hip is hurting me, so taking photos is incentive to get outdoors and exercise, plus we do exercises in the recreation room 5 days a week, though I don’t go that often. I will be seeing my surgeon next month for assessment. I am grateful for my neighbourhood, with its gardens, and the great weather.

Hope you enjoy the photos.