A Walk on the River Trail

I took a longer walk this particular day, warm but with a slightly chilly breeze. I was hoping to see Canada Geese, but no luck. I did shoot photos along the way, of things that caught my eye.

Someone made a snow person and put it up on a tree branch

I liked the patterns in this patch of broken ice.
Only got a rear view of this skittish squirrel. It has such a bright red coat.
“Just” a common House Sparrow but he is so handsome in his breeding plumage, I could not pass on the shot.
Finally! A chickadee and a very fast one. I usually prefer to leave out the feeders but I will take what I can get.
Patches of snow on the trail, but I do see signs of spring in the colour of those branches.

It was the longest walk I have gone on this year, and I felt chilled and sore afterward, so a hot bath did me good once I got home. No regrets!

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